Bath Solutions Ltd.
"Thanks again for all your support and help with this." — Neil
“My wife can come
home, now. Thank you,"
— Husband & caregiver
“…I can’t put into words how—for lack of a better [term]— how life changing it is to have something done properly like this.”— Darren
“Working with them has been very easy,"— Renee, mom to a medically-fragile boy.
“We absolutely love it. They’ve gone above and beyond!” — Gina, mom & caregiver
Bathroom renos = Your independence

Dani & Darryl - Moose Jaw
Scope of work: Bathroom remodel and new flooring from living room, through to bedroom and bathroom with no variance in thresholds to accommodate independent wheelchair use
Required: Accessible tub and sink in the bathroom
Remodel accommodated
New flooring so wheelchair user can roll through entire house
New walk-in tub with shower
Roll up accessible wall-hung sink

Gina & Jaycee - Regina
Scope of work: Family bathroom space for caregiver mom and her son in a wheelchair
Required: Bathroom that accommodates access for son from his bedroom and allows him to safely shower, while is functional for mom and visitors to the home
Remodel accommodated
Jack n' Jill doors from Jaycee's room and hallway in home
Roll in shower with floor drain for ease of use and cleaning
Accessible wall-hung sink

The Mealings - Moose Jaw
Scope of work: 100 square feet of main-floor family bathroom space.
Required: Bathroom (built in the 1970s) gutted to the studs and completely remodelled.
Remodel accommodates a family of five and specifically son, Deacon. Deacon uses a wheelchair and requires constant care. The family’s bathroom has to function for them, their guests (Grandma and Grandpa do come and visit!) and pass home inspections by home care professionals who also provide care for Deacon. Also:
Oversize doorways for wheelchairs and caregivers to access washroom with ease.
Roll in shower for Deacon who “loves to splash”
Toilet for the family
Vanity and cabinetry that work for a large family with enough storage for towels, products and medical supplies.
Durable tile finishes with heated floors so the time spent in the washroom is comfortable and temperature controlled.

The Carrolls - Regina
Scope of work: two bathrooms: ensuite from master (upstairs) and family washroom (basement)
Required: remove remnants of ‘builder’s standard package’ and reimagine space.
Remodels uncovered, and required fixing of, a leak from upstairs bathroom.
Retiled shower stall with bench for sitting and rainfall shower head in ensuite, upstairs.
Reimagining space in downstairs washroom allowed for accommodation of Jack n’ Jill sinks and luxurious walk in shower as well as new light fixtures and racks.

The tub door insert (existing tub) - Gowvan, Saskatchewan
Scope of work: emergency mobility changes to an existing washroom to meet the needs of caregivers and enable a wife’s return to the family home. Budget was limited as elderly couple were ‘unsure’ of how much longer they would remain in the home.
Required: working within existing space, make changes that would allow an individual with multiple sclerosis to access shower/tub in family bathroom.
Work saw the doorway widened to accommodate the width of a walker and a cut-in made to the existing tub. This allows for greater personal autonomy for showering and bathing ("I can walk myself into the bathroom and get in the tub/shower").